“My name is Captain Jack Sparrow,
-ah, I take it some of you have heard of me.”

2 0 0 3 - 2 0 2 0
::: Owner of the 'Tropic Of Capricorn' :::

::: Log-Buchschreiberin und Chronistin des Captain :::

Jack Sparrows (B)Log-Buch on Facebook ☠ Huzzah ☠

Steampunk & Hatmadders on Facebook ☠ Silken Steampunk ☠

Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2012

::: Fellow Pirates :::

Aloha Mateys, say 'HI' zur neuen Piraten-Passion
der Bilder und Foto-Collagen. 

Enjoy Mates & Mateys :)

Schmunzelt an Deck
der J A C K

& Silk LaBoe

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